We often talk about "high blood pressure": a good portion of the population suffers from it, especially after a certain age.
The consequences of high blood pressure values can range from "minor" symptoms, such as a feeling of malaise (sometimes accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision, black dots in the visual field, buzzing, headache), to serious problems, a consequence of stiffness and damage to the vessels or overload of the heart muscle. These problems can evolve and lead to extreme effects such as atherosclerosis, blood clots and heart attacks.
Do not underestimate the first signs of pressure beyond the norm!
Nowadays it is very easy to self-measure blood pressure, which can be done comfortably at home, at rest, and which should take place periodically.
What are the optimal pressure values? These do not exceed 120 mmHg maximum and 80 mmHg minimum. Beyond 140/90, there is talk of real hypertension. But what do these values refer to? The pressure values indicate the force, maximum and minimum, with which the blood presses on the walls of the aorta (in fact the values that are measured are those of the brachial artery, of the arm, but these mirror those of the aorta well).
Attention then: if we realize that we have stable high values, it is worth a visit to the doctor who, if nothing else, will advise us on a lifestyle aimed at rebalancing the pressure, also recommended for those who do not suffer from high blood pressure.
The new lifestyle should above all avoid stress and tension: worries increase pressure and heart rate, “wearing out” the heart and vessels. A state of serenity, good humor, social relations, instead help us to relax the agitation and maintain circulatory well-being.
Salt, smoking and saturated fats are other factors that can damage the state of the vessels, raise blood pressure and lead us, in the long run, towards serious problems.
Practicing physical activity is instead the inevitable advice: movement brings great benefits to the body, helps to regulate pressure, and fights overweight, another condition that entails a considerable risk for the vessels and the heart.
Sometimes, however, it happens to find ourselves in situations of impasse: we follow a correct and prudent diet, we have adopted new healthier habits, yet the blood pressure values do not want to know to go down: if they remain there, "stagnant", slightly above the range optimal, where it is not yet necessary to resort to the use of a drug, but where something needs to be done.
The solution in this case could be to crown good habits with a specially designed natural product.
In fact, there are natural components with the ability to promote the maintenance of physiological levels of blood pressure.
A product that combines the qualities of these principles in synergy is the right advice for those who want to accept help from nature to maintain their well-being. Over the centuries, each culture has selected some principles of plant origin aimed at rebalancing pressure values.
If in Africa, and especially in Egypt, the infusion of Hibiscus (the karkadè) is widely used to maintain moderate pressure levels, in China the bark of Eucommia ulmoide has always been used. The extracts of Olive and Hawthorn are well known to Europeans.
Ibisco, Eucommia, Olivo and Biancospino, thanks to the specific and characteristic intervention of each of them, work together to intervene precisely where we do not yet need the drug, but “an extra help”.
Discover the 10 GOLDEN RULES to keep blood pressure under control.