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Regardless of the different characteristics of anxiety states, it is certain that the continuous tension and agitation, the persistent sense of alertness with which we face life, overload the mind, affecting the mood.

While a modicum of anxiety can stimulate our activities, for example it stimulates us to study more for an exam, it becomes unpleasant when it constantly presents itself for longer and longer periods and begins to compromise different aspects of our life.

Mind and body are so closely intertwined that every emotional experience is also a physical experience. Recent brain studies show that emotions, linked to stress and anxiety, if they become chronic, cause physical damage. Many emotional, affective and conscience states can materialize in the organism. A gastritis, for example, can originate from unspoken words, a pain in the liver can originate from unexpressed anger, and so on.

Anxiety states seem to cause a narrowing of the attention field, at the same time strong emotions tend to take over, occupying all available capacities. It may happen that a person, dominated by performance anxiety about a conference he has to give, can be so consumed by worry that he forgets what he has to say, even if the subject of the conference is completely known to him.

Thomas H. Holmes and Minoru Masuda, in an article published in Psychology Today, argue that the normal facts of human life, such as making a decision in a state of psychological tension, getting married, retiring, taking holidays, changing jobs, can help the onset of diseases, because the effort necessary to face these events weakens the organism's resistance.

According to this theory, each of us has a certain amount of energy. If emotional conflicts drain our reserves, we have little strength left to overcome physical ailments. When people go through phases of great psychological crisis or continuous states of anxiety, in a sense they tear themselves apart. In fact, our body can maintain situations of stress or anxiety only for a certain period of time after which an imbalance takes over. Scientific research shows that the prolongation of these imbalances reduces our immune defenses, making us more vulnerable to disease.

That's why learning how to manage stress is a fundamental need in our modern world. Relaxation, for example, is one of the most important methods we have available to improve our well-being. The advantage falls on the body and mind.

HERE ARE 10 TIPS that some psychosomatic experts recommend for overcoming anxiety states. And if you believe that your levels of anxiety are too high, I recommend that you go to a specialist.

  • Do not live in the past and in the future, but remain in the present.

  • Keep your mind as clear of thoughts as possible.

  • Don't get overwhelmed by worries.

  • Don't think and rethink the same things over and over.

  • Give vent to moods.

  • Open the door to laughter and playful looks.

  • Give more importance to the imagination.

  • Spend more time praising and encouraging people, the more you will improve the environment around you and the happier you will be with yourself.

  • Don't lead a monotonous and repetitive life: the brain loves to invent every day.

  • Hang pictures and other objects on the walls that you enjoy looking at. Make the light as pleasant and natural as possible.

There are also some herbs and natural substances that can help.

In recent years, the use of these plants has made great strides against stress, tension and agitation. Thanks to modern research we can now make better use of these natural substances.

Ansileve, the result of continuous Naturando research, is a food supplement based on:

  • Cyracos® (dry extract of lemon balm)

  • Protizen (hydrolyzed extract of marine peptides)

  • Rhodes

  • Griffonia

  • L-Arginine and L-Lysine.

Lemon balm helps to promote physiological calm and relaxation. Rhodiola is useful in situations of excessive stress.

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