The fibers counteract absorption
intestinal cholesterol
That lifestyle can have a strong impact on cholesterol is not an empty promise: experts, when cholesterol is there at the edge, first of all recommend physical activity and a conscious diet; and maybe even the help of a supplement, in order to enhance personal efforts.
Our times and non-communicable diseases
Cholesterol has now become the "black beast" of a large slice of the population, above all because high values of this compound are the basis of many of the so-called "non-communicable diseases". They are those diseases that develop from slow-onset conditions and which can then have significant health consequences. An example of these is atherosclerosis.
Cholesterol - where does it come from?
Cholesterol can have an endogenous or exogenous origin: this means that it can be produced by the liver, but also introduced through food. It should also be remembered that cholesterol is not harmful a priori. It is in fact an indispensable substance for the body, because it performs many vital functions.
For example, it is essential for the membrane of all animal cells; it can be useful for the production of different types of hormones, and so on.
Learning to regulate between good and bad cholesterol means distinguishing the proteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. These substances can be of various types, including Ldl (the most risky for the onset of cardiovascular problems), and HDL (those that instead soothe the potentially deleterious effects given by the Ldl). The increase or decrease of a certain type of protein can also vary according to lifestyle.
What to do to keep cholesterol at bay naturally?
Many studies show that by modifying a certain lifestyle we can obtain a decrease in total cholesterol and LDL with the consequence also of a reduction in cardiovascular complications.
Recently, some scientific bodies including the National Research Center, coordinated by NFI (Nutrition Foundation of Italy), the Higher Institute of Health and the Center for Food Studies, have drawn up a document for the non-pharmacological control of blood cholesterol. This study is based on the evidence that emerged over the years from a series of scientific researches on the relationship between diet, lifestyle and cholesterol values.
This document contains basic tips on nutritional control and adopting the right lifestyle to rebalance hypercholesterolemia. Here are 10 tips from the experts in summary.
Cut down on foods of animal origin.
The fats contained in foods such as butter, lard, meat, eggs stimulate the body to develop endogenous cholesterol.
Favor the use of unsaturated fats (especially monounsaturated).
This type of fats, which are found in vegetable oils (such as those of olive oil) and nuts, help to raise HDL levels and lower LDL levels.
Give preference to leaner cheeses.
Those of goat, Parmesan, ricotta, in any case not to be consumed more than two to three times a week.
Choose low glycemic index carbohydrates.
Durum wheat semolina pasta, legumes, fruit (apples, pears), vegetables and bitter chocolate.
With food, do not exceed the intake of 300 milligrams of cholesterol.
Cholesterol is very present in foods of animal origin (especially in brains, bovine tripe, liver, eggs, shellfish, butter and cheeses).
Therefore, prefer foods that do not contain cholesterol, or that contain it only in low quantities. Foods of plant origin do not contain cholesterol, so they could be chosen. However, in some cases (for example vegetable oils) they may have high contents in saturated fats, which in turn facilitate the production of cholesterol associated with Ldl proteins. For this reason, it is not advisable in any case to take extreme positions: what is really good in nutrition is a healthy, varied balance between different foods.
Do not overdo the intake of simple sugars.
These sugars, present in sweets, honey, fruit, should not exceed 10% of the daily calories.
Keep your body weight under control.
In most studies, weight control reduces total and LDL cholesterol, while HDL cholesterol increases if the weight loss is then maintained over time.
Walk 30 minutes a day.
Brisk walking is a physical activity that helps raise HDL good cholesterol.
Promote the intake of an adequate amount of fiber.
Fibers such as pectins, beta-glucans and gums contained in cereals, legumes, fruit, vegetables, counteract the intestinal absorption of LDL cholesterol taken with the diet.
Integrate the diet with cholesterol-lowering substances.
In the event that the diet and a healthy lifestyle are not sufficient to bring cholesterol levels back within the desired limits, some natural substances such as plant phytosterols and soy proteins can be a valid help. Unless there is a specific indication for a pharmacological treatment.
Mother Nature has also thought about cholesterol, giving us the opportunity to receive help when the intervention with drugs is not yet necessary.
One of the best natural approaches in this sense is the intake of Monacolin K. This substance is produced by the yeast Monascus Purpureus, a yeast capable of fermenting rice, giving it the typical red color.
Monacolin K interferes with the cholesterol synthesis processes in the body.
Colesan by Naturando uses the synergy between Monacolin K and other precious natural substances (policosanols and gamma-oryzanol) to help maintain correct cholesterol levels.
Colesan has been tested at a prestigious Research Institute, giving valid results.